*VALENTINE SPECIAL* Japan Flower Omakase Bouquet


A hand-tied bouquet using the most premium seasonal flowers directly from Japan, including roses, ranunculus, scabiosa, lisianthus, sweet peas and much more. 

Gentle Beast is proud to be only importer in Hawaii and U.S who work and order directly with the boutique flower farms in Japan to ensure the shortest turn around time and freshest bloom. 

The images represent a range of seasonal flowers. Our florists will select the best stems of the day to create a beautiful bouquet that matches your color preference. 

Due to the availability, the quantity of this item is limited. We recommend ordering early to avoid disappointment. 

Each Gentle Beast bouquet is designed and hand-crafted in our Ward Centre boutique using the finest flowers from trusted growers and suppliers. Your bouquet will arrive in our exquisite and recyclable signature gift-packaging. 


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